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memberi tahu bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "memberi tahu"
  • memberi:    afford; award; gave; give; giving; inflict;
  • tahu:    bean curd; know; tofu; in the know; know how to;
  • memberi-tahu:    warn; give notice; announce; advertise
  • keliru memberi tahu:    misdirect
  • memberi tahu secara resmi:    officially inform
  • tahu:    bean curd; know; tofu; in the know; know how to; get it on; know how; feeling; roll in the hay; do it; cognize; mindful; register; whimsy; recognise; make love; bonk; charm; tell; curd; have it off;
  • tahu-tahu:    all of a sudden; short; suddenly; all at once; dead; abruptly; on the spur of the moment; in a stound; of a sudden
  • memberi:    afford; award; gave; give; giving; inflict; accord; allow; do; grant; lend; ply; render; commit; portion; donate; hold; contribute; put up; volunteer; permit; shell out; farm; let; ease up; provide;
  • beri tahu:    enlighten; acquaint; proclaim; testify; report; declare; advertise; advise; give notice of; make known; announce; tell; explain; apprise; notify; inform
  • ingin tahu:    became personal; become personal; becoming personal; curious; inquiring; inquisitive; nosey; nosy; wonder; enquiring
  • kamu-tahu:    you know
  • kembang tahu:    tofu skin
  • maha tahu:    all-knowing; omniscient; omniomni
  • mapo tahu:    mapo tofu
  • mengambil tahu:    care
  • The printer lost the file, didn't tell us.
    Percetakan kehilangan berkasnya, namun tidak memberi tahu kami.
  • And this tells me one of two things.
    Dan hal ini memberi tahu kita dua hal.
  • And that tells us something about these trajectories.
    Fakta ini memberi tahu kita tentang kurva-kurva ini.
  • Look after him but never let him know.
    Lihatlah setelah dia Tapi tidak pernah memberi tahu.
  • Helen doesn't have a New York number.
    Helen tidak memberi tahu nomernya yang di New York.
  • What do you want me to tell you?
    Apa yang Anda ingin saya memberi tahu Anda?
  • It's telling me what I've already done.
    Ia memberi tahu padaku apa yang sudah saya lakukan.
  • I could let you know... about that show,
    Aku bisa memberi tahu kau... ttg pertunjukkan itu,
  • Non. There is no need to dispatch your men, Colonel.
    Tak perlu memberi tahu orangmu, Kolonel.
  • We couldn't tell where the original picture--
    Kami bisa memberi tahu di mana gambar yang asli-
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5